
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a special ministry to the children of our church and community! We desire to introduce children to Jesus Christ and lead them to grow in their faith.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry
Each year, First Baptist Church Carterville packs shoeboxes that will be shipped all around the world so that children who would not normally receive Christmas presents could have a gift to open on Christmas morning. Shoeboxes are packed with clothes, toiletry items, school supplies, toys, and so much more. Most importantly, children around the world have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Trunk or Treat
Trunk-or-Treat is an opportunity for First Baptist Church Carterville to show love to our community each fall. Join us for the decorated trunks, great costumes, interactive games, other giveaways, and of course lots of candy!

Christmas in Carterville
First Baptist Church Carterville is eager to participate in the city's Christmas in Carterville event each December. Come to the church for a warm place to sit down and enjoy a delicious bowl of chili!